Toddlers | Twos
A Place to Begin, Play, and Grow
At DKH Academy, our Toddler/2’s Program provides a nurturing environment immersed with developmentally appropriate activities that focuses on expanding the child’s cognitive, physical, and social/emotional development, while building critical communication skills through research based curriculum.
As these young children begin their venture into school, our classrooms help build positive interactions between the students, as teachers strive to meet individual and group needs and interests. These classes are where a child will begin to develop an excitement for school.
What your child will experience
At DKH Academy, our Toddler/2’s Program is planned so that your child will begin to learn and understand important social skills through free play and group activities, as well as an introduction to beginning school skills.

Weekly and Monthly Themes | During each month there will be a focus on a broad theme, with beginning literacy, math, and science skills mixed in through play based individual and group activities.
Develop Motor Skills | Activities such as coloring, painting, and play-doh help build the muscle refinement for fine motor skills, while outdoor activities and games build core development and coordination.
Engage in Process Based Art | Projects are focused on the experience and exploration of techniques, tools and materials to foster creative expression.
Connect With the Community | Visits from local professionals, like dentists and police officers, to teach children about health, safety, and community.
Enjoy Outdoor Exploration | Daily outdoor play in our Nature Explorer Classroom to build gross motor skills and social interactions while in nature.
Togetherness | Friendships and connections are built through various class celebrations.
Develop Early Social Skills | During free play, small group activities, and circle time children will learn to build early friendships, develop basic social cues, and learn to work with others during independent and parallel play.
A Typical Day in a Toddlers Class
Each day will consist of a balance of structured routines and free play, creating the ability to follow simple transitions in a nurturing environment. A day might typically include:
Morning Arrival | Children begin the day working on individual activities and small group free play.
Outdoor Play | Time outside in the nature based playground helps build social and gross motor skills. Each class will also participate in our KidFit program weekly.
Circle Time | Teachers will introduce early academic concepts, such as letters, shapes, colors, and numbers, while incorporating the theme through simple, attention catching lessons.
Play and Creative Exploration | Children will have ample free play time, as well as music, art, sensory experiences, and stories throughout the day.
Social Connections | Each part of the day helps build various beginning social and emotional skills to build friendships with others and learn independence.
End of the Day Preparations | Students help gather their items and work on important self help skills, as they prepare for dismissal.